Main Signs of a Good Relocation Service Provider
If you hire reliable movers, you’ll certainly get a stress-free, comfortable yet time-efficient experience. But what should you consider before contracting a relocation service provider to ensure they have expertise in this scope and will perform their services at the highest level? Here are the main things to check in order to choose the best movers in any location, like Los Angeles or Orange County areas:
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#1 Recommendations from Real Customers
With a common practice of writing fake reviews on different products or services, Google’s rate might not be that authoritative sign for analyzing the vendor’s trustworthiness. Ask the Bel Air relocation service provider to provide real customer feedback or a list of reviews. As a rule, if the vendor has about 80% of 5-star client rates and up to 8% of bad reviews – it indicates that most people like the services. At the same time, the vendor doesn’t bury those minor accidents that happened, but instead can quickly and effectively resolve them.
Of course, in such a way you can also check Google’s rate and investigate if the clients enjoyed their move, what are the pros and cons of this service. It will give you a nice picture of the quality of the services and what to expect from the vendor.
#2 Licence
The vendor’s authority and reliability cannot be solely defined by reviews. It’s also important to use only the moving services with appropriate licensing. Only these organizations like MuraWay Moving Сompany, are legally bound to protect your property and take responsibility for the move outcomes and accidents.
For an interstate move, make sure that the company is registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation, after which they’re given a unique USDOT number. You can either check the USDOT number in an official database or else search for Better Business Bureau data too.
#3 Insurance Provided
To ensure your belongings are secured from the numerous accidents (including both caused by transportation issues or other emergencies), look for the movers who provide not only the licensed services but also are insured from the various accidents. If companies offer a much lower price without insurance, we recommend skipping their proposals: there is a high possibility of them ignoring your complaints in case any of your belongings were delivered broken or damaged.
Instead, vendors in Bel Air that provide insurance reassure you that all the stuff will be secured and you’ll get compensation if something goes wrong.
#4 Transparent Pricing
No matter if you’re looking for movers in Bel Air, Passadena or any other location in LA, make sure that you’ll pay for what you get. Professional vendors will always provide transparent rates for their services.
As a rule, most professional companies estimate the general idea of how much you’ll spend on the move, but make sure to clarify the information regarding extra fees to avoid surprise charges.
#5 Ability to Adjust the Services to Your Individual Needs
All movers in Bel Air should also come with an individual approach to perfectly fit the client’s needs. It’s a good sign if the company offers a fully-equipped moving truck, can provide additional packing supplies on-demand, and protect your belongings before transporting them. Additionally, the expert approach should follow the timeline and guarantee the pickup and delivery dates in the times that fit best to you, as the professionals from MuraWay Moving Company usually do.
If you’re looking for professional movers in Bel Air, make sure they fit all these qualities of the high-rated, reliable, and authoritative relocation services we’ve covered so far. MuraWay Moving Company knows how stressful the relocation process can be, so we always care about the client’s requirements and needs, and always try our best to ensure the stress-free yet comfortable moving in Los Angeles.
Contact our representatives right now to find out how to organize a smooth move of your property and get the best relocation services in Bel Air at an affordable price!
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